Monday, October 7, 2013

Why jumping on the band wagon is so tough for me

I am a natural contrarian.

I think mean reversion is etched into my DNA.

I also have a bad case of regret embedded within my psyche.

Consequently, jumping on the band wagon aka as trend following or momentum investing really cuts against the grain for me.

I am happy buying when others are selling and then riding it down, and I am happy selling when others are buying and then seeing it continue higher. But I have a hard time bringing myself to buy after the horse has bolted (even if I can see clear air ahead) and selling after a holding has been pinged. The reason is because the regret of jumping on board and being wrong, ie. having the stock go back down, or selling a loser only to see it rise, weighs heavily upon me.

I've got to cure my momentum reluctance. It is not constructive.

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