Over the long term equities are driven by two things. One, fundamental and the other sentimental.
The Fundamental
The fundamental driver of equities values is earnings. Earnings are a function of revenues (demand), margins (efficiency) and tax regimes. Earnings may vary over time, but trend positive.
The Sentimental
The sentimental driver of equities values (which is to some extent and at different times more important than earnings) is the multiple. What the market is prepared to pay for earnings at any particular point in time. It is a function of confidence and risk. The multiple the market is prepared to pay for present (and implied future earnings) varies from a high of 35x to a low of 8x.
Since bottoming in 2009 the market has been propelled by substantial earnings recovery and earnings growth ($30 EPS to $115 EPS), and by multiple expansion (11x to 16x). With earnings plateauing, future market performance is likely a function of multiple performance. If the multiple goes from the present 16x to 20x then the market can rise to 2300 (30% above the present level). Projecting earnings is relatively easy (or if not easy, more stable). Projecting multiples is a lot more difficult.
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