Trend following, aka momentum investing is probably the weakest part of my investing DNA. I am a natural contrarian with a strong value tilt. I have learned the value of growth and the importance of sentiment and momentum, but they are still both hard for me to fully commit to.
Over the past 10-15 years research has vindicated and validated trend following strategies as a way to add alpha. Consequently, and in conjunction with the increasingly quantitative/algo driven basis of the market, I believe trends, predicated upon more momentum investors and trend followers, will be longer and of greater magnitude that previously. The nature of momentum is that it feeds upon itself. It is self perpetuating, self replicating. There are three major implications. First, you need to incorporate momentum into your investment strategy. Second, a momentum based market leaves opportunity for fundamental based value investors. Because the trend goes longer and for a greater duration than fundamental value would indicate, it creates an opportunity for a fundamental based value perspective. Third, turns in the market or changes in trend will trip up a lot more investors. Trend followers, quant or qual, always get burnt by the turns in the market. The length and magnitude of trends will be greater on boths sides of a trend. Significant alpha will come from picking a change in trend. Incorporating a market reversal component into an investment process (albeit incredibly difficult) will be very rewarding.
The old adage, go with the flow will be the dominant characteristic of future markets.
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