Thursday, October 3, 2013

Some Keynesianisms

Went to a presentation today on the life and philosophies of JM Keynes. Interesting fellow. I got the impression he was very independent and contrarian. I guess you have to be if you are going to reinvent the way we see something. In any case, he had a hybrid view on human nature. On the one hand he didn't think much about it (our instincts) and looked down upon the commoners. On the other hand he originated a great insight to human confidence and the need to keep it up, and how devastating it was when it eroded. I think he saw confidence as a facade, but a very important one to maintain.

He made his name with the incredibly insightful "The Economic Consequences of Peace," in in which he foresaw the negative implications of the Treaty of Versaille.

He hung with The Apostles at Cambridge and the Bloomsbury group in London.

After cavorting around as a gay man, he became smitten with and married a Russian ballerina.

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