Thursday, October 10, 2013

Argument Mechanics - The Realm of Reason Part VII (Statistics)

While not themselves authorities, statistics do resemble authorities in being frequently quotes as gospel, in adding a transfixing air of knowledgability and in being misused.
Whenever making or confronting an appeal of the “statistics show that...” sort, good thinkers will be prepared to ask a number of related questions: “Does it reflect reality?” “Is it complete?” “Is it appropriately precise?” “Are the standards uniform?” “When were the measurements made?”
Does it reflect reality eg. quoted the official exchange rate when there is a black market rate.
Most statistics achieve meaninglessness by being incomplete.  Half the truth, is zero truth.  Always demand completeness.
Most statistics are comparisons.  Comparisons have two or more parts.  Demand all parts.
Always look for the base from which a claim for a difference is made eg. “30% or more” ==> “30% more than what?”
Statistics in term of percentages, rates or proportions should usually indicate not only the base against which a difference is claimed, they should supply absolute numbers.
Ways sometimes exist of arriving at statistics which might at first seem impossible to obtain (via double, or sequence sampling) eg. only 80 of an estimated 800 rapes were reported last year.
Good statistical reporting sketches methodology.  It take little space and leaves strengths and weaknesses open for all to see.
Reports of statistics ought to identify the source.
If rises or falls in a statistic are to mean much, the standards before the change and after it must be uniform.
- watch out for garbage in, garbage out with statistical data gathering and quality.
System of significant figures - any expression of a measurement also states the degree of precision with which the measurement was made.
Like all classes of statistics, averages have their uses and abuses.
When we need to emphasise similarity or speak generally, when we want to lump together or sum up, or when we don’t know details, averages provide valuable tools.
With averages you need to look at the standard deviation as well.
Watch the use of means, modes and medians.
Pictorial statistics should accomplish visually what written or spoken statistics accomplish verbally (“a picture is worth a thousand words”)
However a misleading picture may be worth 10,000 misleading words.
Always check axes and scales for graphs.
Logarithmic scales are good for comparing rates which fluctuate from very different absolute bases eg. compare enrolment fluctuation at a small school with that of a large school.
Graphic distortion is really a form of equivocation, usually on relative terms.
Pictographs are especially prone to manipulation.  Are we to compare relative heights? relative areas? or relative volumes?

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