Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Don't Know Much...

I don't know much, but this I do know...

Over this coming century (and beyond), the third world (lead by China, India and Brazil) will grow at a faster rate than the developed world - it is the simple absorption of existing technology applied to an underutilized human resource coming off a low economic rocket science there.

What I don't know is how to play this trend (getting quality exposure to the growth you want can be very difficult given the narrowness of developing country equity markets and the weakness of their regulatory regimes...among other things). Probably the easiest trade I can see is going long the Renminbi. There are a couple of ETFs to do this. One is a Morgan Stanley ETN* (CNY) that got hammered when the banks were all in doubt, but has since made a recovery, the other is a Wisdom Tree ETF (CYB) which has been pretty stable.

*Now Market Vectors.

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