Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Some Notes On The Financial Services Industry and the Investor Experience

Most investors do not want a professional to help them. They are afraid they will be sold to and are happy avoiding that awkward situation. They are comfortable managing their accounts online and are just as happy to avoid a salesman when managing their investment affairs. There is an inherent skepticism toward the industry, its institutions and the representatives of the industry.

Parts of the investment advising function are getting commoditized by technology, including risk assessment, asset allocation, account aggregation, rebalancing, tax optimization and reporting. Parts of the investment management function are also getting commoditized by technology including, security selection, portfolio construction, evaluation, performance measurement, and portfolio attribution.

The key to success in investment advisory is creating a great customer experience. This requires not only problem solving skills and the development of financial solutions, but education skills, communication skills, and listening and empathy skills. 

***inspired by an article in CFA Institute Magazine

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