Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Contrary investing - the trapdoor and the panic

Two good strategies. Both require tremendous patience and discipline. One is a micro approach, the other a macro angle.

The first is the trapdoor spider strategy. You keep your powder dry waiting patiently for the market to throw you a prize. The prize is a great company that is overowned and has stumbled. Problems and concerns have arisen, but there is no fundamental rearranging of the deck chairs. Just a misstep. These things happen. Could be a 1 to 2 year workout. Don't buy too soon. The stock will bottom before the worst of the information comes out. When you see it holding fast or rallying on bad news. That is a good sign. But it can take some time for the stock to find its legs again.

The second is a general market panic. Could be a country. Could be an industry. Could be the whole market. Everything is marked down. Fear is rife. Buy the country or industry champion. These are too big to fail, too deeply entwined in the fabric. Again, another 1 to 2 year workout.

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