Research Affiliates posted an interesting article today titled, "The Profits Bubble. "
The gist was that outsized profits are controlled (or allowed) by government and when they get too big (there is a trade-off between profits and income), the resulting growing inequality leads to social unrest and political change. The article correctly argues that profits cannot grow at a faster rate than the economy for too long and established that they have been growing at a faster pace than the economy for the last 20-30 years.
I think this idea/notion is correct. The problem is one of timing. It is very hard to know when or what the last straw will be that has been added to the camel's back. Changing societal/cultural norms and rising living standards around the world (rising economic tide in developing world, falling cost of living in developed world) are likely to make this process alot longer than prior history examples (maybe).
Societies are just like markets inasmuch as they are tightly coupled complex systems prone to periodic crisis and unravelings.
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