Monday, June 15, 2015

Vanguard's Advantage Wasn't It Mutual Structure But It's Investment Philosophy

Vanguard's unique corporate structure is not why Vanguard is different and beating people. There is plenty of money to be made in Vanguard's corporate structure. Vanguard is successful because it's investment approach/philosophy conforms to financial theory (ie. it creates broad-based asset class products) and seeks to be the lowest cost producer. I guess not having to respond to profit pressures from shareholders is valuable, but a for profit company could have adopted the same strategy and been equally successful. In fact, Dimensional is an example of that as were Wells Fargo Nikko and Barclays Index which have since been subsumed. Mutual funds are in theory structured the same way as Vanguard, but when controlled by for profit entities are obviously not interested in doing everything in the client's/shareholder's best interests.

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