Monday, September 30, 2013

Shifting framework

I feel as though I am in the midst of a paradigm shift. I am moving on from the old framework through which I processed national and geo-political forces. I am not sure where the ship will anchor. I am not 100% sure what has been the cause of the shift.

But I do not feel as confident today as I did in the past of interpreting and understanding international developments. I get a sense that part of it is that I have been so long in the trees that I no longer trust my judgment or focus on the forest. I think part of it is that big picture events have not necessarily played out the way I thought they would. This has dented my confidence in understanding cause and effect. The market seems to have become dull to any number of problems or risks. Maybe it has seen it all before and is betting it will play itself out or wash over in time. Perhaps it is just the belief that the CBs are cleaning things up and whatever happens there will be a back stop to nullify the full force.

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