Monday, September 9, 2013

How and Where to Work Smarter

I can't possibly keep up with the torrent of information necessary to know everything that is going on.

The only way to manage this state of affairs is to have a system that captures the necessary information (that which you absolutely need to know), processes that information properly (runs it through a filter/paradigm/framework that weighs and assesses it correctly), and results in insights/decisions that are superior to the above average wisdom of the market.

Not an easy feat.

There will be times, when there is no way to keep up, and other times when the market due to its very nature (overreaction, illiquidity, herd effect, greed, fear, hubris, complacency, comfort) presents opportunity for advantage. Discerning those times is the hard part. Having signals and systems in place to identify those potentialities is critical to being aware of where opportunity may lay.

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