Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Is there a God? (contd)

Another defence against God has been utopianism, and the revolutionary fervor that goes therewith. A passion to change the world and make it nearer to the heart's desire automatically excludes God, who represents the principles of changelessness, and confronts each heart's desire with its own nullity. It was confidently believed that a kingdom of heaven on earth coudl be established, with "God, Keep Out" notices prominently displayed at the off-limits.

With the church no longer a sanctuary, and utopianism extinguished, the fugitive from God has nowhere to turn. Even if, as a last resort, he falls back on stupefying his senses with alcohol or drugs or sex, the relief is but short-lived.

There are no adequate words for any of the great absolutes, like life and death, good and evil; only for trivialities like politics and economics and science. One falls back on the meaningless monosyllable, God, Hindu sadhus in their spiritual exercises endlessly repeat the equally meaningless mononsyllable, Oom.

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