Monday, March 12, 2012

Thank You Blogosphere

It amazes me the quality of blog content. I don't know how these folks do it, day in a day out. I really wish I could convey a genuine thanks to the following people:

Barry Ritholz
John Hempton
Jesse's Cafe Americain
Felix Salmon
David Merkel
Cullen Roche
Tyler Cowen
Diary of a Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Macro Man
Naked Capitalism
Zero Hedge
Abnormal Returns

They are all must reads. I have learned alot from them. I love learning from very smart people, and it makes me wish that I was that smart.

What remains to be seen is how long they can maintain it. Without a business model or the ability to leverage their content, it is a lot of hard work for little monetary return.

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