Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs passing is a milestone and a chance for reflection

I was saddened to hear of Steve Jobs passing. I heard it at tennis last night, and it was the first thing I passed along to H when I got home. He has touched my life with his products and has left a mark upon modern society and culture. A modern day Thomas Edison. It is amazing to see the outpouring of emotion today. A milestone.

We had a discussion with the kids at breakfast this morning regarding his impact upon our lives and his legacy. In going through his history (Pong, founding Apple, getting fired, NEXT, Pixar, and then rejoining Apple and transforming the modern consumer technology landscape), he is a testimony to perserverance, dedication, vision, and giftedness.

It was somewhat appropo because Emma asked about Henry VIII, and that got us into a discussion about the reformation and how people leave their impact upon society and culture, oftimes with us not even knowing the source.

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