Thursday, April 10, 2014

Lots of Sturm und Drang but Not Much To Show For It

Naturally I'm kicking myself for not hanging tough on my high beta shorts. Actually I'm not really. I wish I had them. They would have been killing it. But I had to cover because you just don't know how high a market can go.

What it does is confirm how close I am to making the big score.  If I keep it up, one day I am going to nail it and make the mullah.

It feels as though the market has been going nuts, but the averages are only off a little bit (actually the S&P is still up over a 1% for the year, Naz off 2.2%). Let's hope it doesn't implode upon itself because although there has been plenty of noise thusfar the damage hasn't been all the bad (unless you own the momo guys).

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