Friday, February 21, 2014

WhatsApp and Facebook = Jump the Shark

The smart money is using the fleeting money (high stock valuations) to hit the exits.

Whether it is Facebook using its funny money (stock) to buy WhatsApp for $19b, or the raft of other mega-valuation names (LNKD, TWTR, CSOD, NOW, P, AMZN, WDAY, CNQR, SPLK, DDD, SSYS, etc.) who are hitting the market market with secondaries and/or convertibles or debt of some sort, I think the smart guys are taking money off the table.

We are moving into the 2Q doldrums so I think this is probably a good time to shorten up as well. The market hasn't broken yet, but when it does there will be lots of regret. The writing was on the wall.

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