Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Moving On

Moving on from Tillich to Robinson's "Honest to God".

When I first read this book many years ago it had little impact on me. I re-read it again recently, and it struck a chord.

It is funny how you read something at some point in your life and it has one effect, and you read the same thing at another point in your life and it has an altogether different effect.

I felt the same way about Tillich's "Shaking the Foundations". It had little impact on me when I first read it, but it had a large impact on me when I read it again recently. Similarly, but inversely, when I read Tillich's "The Courage to Be" originally, it had a large impact on me. But when I re-read it again recently, it came across as garbled rubbish.

Go figure.

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