Friday, June 18, 2010

Capitalism and Democracy inherently flawed

The flaws within both capitalism and democracy relate to the breadth of the human self.

Just as it is self interest that serves as the impetus for a positive marketplace, so to it is selfishness that ends up distorting a marketplace.

Just as it is self interest that sets-up a system of governance that benefits the whole of society, so to it is selfishness that leads to a system that gives the majority what they want (rather than what they need).

Motto of the current zeitgeist

"It is, what it is."

Usually performed in a resigned tone.

It is what it is, is employed to answer many a situation where there appears to be little that can be done.

More precisely, it encapsulates the implied nihilism swimming beneath the surface of our modern secular culture.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tail Wagging the Dog

It used to be that an indexes movements were a function of changes in the underlying stocks.

But the advent of ETFs has changed that dynamic. Now the ETF moves first and it is up to the arbs to equalize constituency components.

I'm not 100% sure what the implications are of this change, but it doesn't sit well with me.